Spread the Word!

If you're enjoying our Unschooling Blog Community, we'd love to have you help us spread the word about it! Here are a few simple ways you can do it:

Share it!
When the Unschooling Blog Carnival is published, repost it on your local, state, and national lists. Don't assume someone else will...because that's what everyone ELSE is thinking!! ;)
Repost it on your Facebook Wall too!

When we're looking for blogposts, share the request for specific themes in these same places too!

Pin it!
Pinterest is so cool! When each Unschooling Blog Carnival is uploaded, we pin it to our UBC Pinterest boards. Be sure to head over there to repin it on your own!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Grab it!
Put the Unschooling Blog Carnival Button up on your website or blog!
Thanks to Lindsey Wilson at Radical Ramblings , we have code for you to paste onto your site:

Unschooling Blog Carnival
<a href=" http://www.unschoolingblogcarnival.blogspot.co.uk/" target="_blank"><img src=" http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd258/ebony_rose32/rsz_2ubc_seal.png" width="200" height="200" /></a>

Contribute to the Carnival!
Join us and write a blog post for the upcoming Unschooling Blog Carnival! It's great to get to know each other a little better!
Send your blog post to Sue & Cydney at UnschoolingBlogCarnival@Gmail.com

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